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Busy doing nothing
Crikey it's easy to waste time with the internet at your disposal. We've all done it. We start with the best of intentions - to sit down and do some serious research.
Or even not so serious - book a holiday, do the weekly shop...
Half an hour later we've checked out the latest news headlines, taken a sneak peek at Lady Gaga's latest frock shock, discovered what that music was playing in the background of last night's TV documentary and sniggered at some daft photos of dogs and cats.
Research? What research? Shopping? What shopping?
According to a 2011 study, there's a good reason some people are easily distracted from the task in hand.
Boffins at the Univeristy College, London, found larger than average volumes of grey matter in certain brain regions in those whose attention is readily diverted.
Clearly then, I have 'too much brain'. Or not enough, considering the number of times I find myself guffawing at stupid photos of dogs and cats, with daft captions.
Well, to be very dull and boring, you can eliminate the siren call of the rest of the internet - nay world - by turning off your browser software in the first place if it's taking you away from the task which (be honest!) doesn't require internet input.
And you can also turn off email notifications... AND instant messaging . . . AND social media.
Love all that instant communication, but when there's a job to be done then there's a time and a place for it.
Blooming obvious really but, on the other hand, all work and no play make Jack and Jane dull boys and girls.
So in tribute to time wasters everywhere, here are some of my favourite distractions.
The Poke. Time well wasted is its tagline. So true!
StumbleUpon. You just keep going and going . . .
Facebook. Well who doesn't?! Games, people, messages, comment . . .
BBC News. Er - news is my job isn't it? Gotta see what's happening in the word.
Google Earth. You can 'fly' anywhere and see all these amazing places that, chances are, you'll never see in real life: the Sahara desert, South Pole, North Pole, the Amazon Jungle - my house . . .
Funny cats. Go on, click the link, you know you want to . . .
Happy surfing!